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Lanarkshire Green Health Partnership

The Lanarkshire Green Health Partnership was formed in April 2018 and is helping to connect health & social care with nature.  Lanarkshire is rich in greenspace, parks and nature but this is currently an underused asset.  We are aiming to raise awareness and confidence of the health and social care sector workforce and members of the public to “Get Outdoors Lanarkshire”. We will achieve this by:

  • ensuring outdoor activities are promoted and valued in how we provide health services

  • calling for action from many organisations

  • shaping work around local health priorities

Local partners include NHS Lanarkshire, North & South Lanarkshire local authorities, leisure and voluntary sector organisations.


You can read our reports here: Year 1; Year 2; Year 3.

The Year 3 executive summary is here.


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North Lanarkshire

Find out about the greenspaces and activities that are available in North Lanarkshire.

Get Walking Lanarkshire

GWL aims to improve the health and wellbeing of Lanarkshire's residents by getting more people walking, more often.  Find out about health walks.

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South Lanarkshire

Find out about the greenspaces and activities that are available in South Lanarkshire.

Find out more about us on the Greenspace Portal.
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